Virtual interaction with water quality data

Environmental Services

There's a new interactive way to view water quality data in the Brazos River basin.

For the first time, the Brazos River Authority is presenting its comprehensive review of water quality data, produced every five years, online using an interactive format.

Unlike the BRA's annual Brazos River Basin Summary Report, this was produced as an interactive report for navigation and reading convenience. The report involves a detailed discussion of data analysis findings and summarizes water quality in the Brazos River Basin, allowing you to click on water quality monitor stations to access associated water quality monitoring data near you. The idea is to help develop a greater understanding of basin water quality conditions, identify trends and changes, and aid decision-making regarding water quality issues in each river and coastal basin in Texas.

This Brazos River Basin Summary Report is part of the BRA's participation in the Texas Clean Rivers Program (CRP). Established in 1991, the Texas Clean Rivers Program is a non-regulatory program created to provide a framework and a forum for managing water quality issues in the state. The CRP is funded entirely by fees assessed to wastewater discharge and water rights permit holders.

The BRA aims to enhance and support participation of stakeholders in developing water quality objectives and priorities for the basin and Texas Clean Rivers Program as a whole. The BRA shares the report with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board.

Environmental Services

In the 14 major watersheds of the Brazos River Basin, one can find examples of both high-quality waters, naturally occurring water quality issues, and streams that have been degraded by human settlement and development activities. Amid an overall trend of generally good water quality in the basin, there are problem areas to address and issues on which management agencies and stakeholders must focus.

In partnership with the TCEQ, the BRA coordinates and conducts water quality monitoring, providing data to be used in assessment, encouraging stakeholder participation to help improve surface water quality in the Brazos basin.

The TCEQ produces the Texas Integrated Report every two years in even-numbered years, as required by the federal Clean Water Act. That report describes the status of Texas' natural surface waters and how they attain the Texas Surface Water Quality Standards. This is based on data that the BRA and other Clean Rivers Program partners collect.

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BRA also engages with the public on annual water quality planning, a yearly Clean Rivers Program Steering Committee meetings. This meeting is typically held in April at BRA's Central Office. To become a stakeholder, go here to submit your contact information and receive an invitation to participate in the next CRP Steering Committee meeting.

Because water quality issues frequently move downstream, watershed-based planning and education will be the cornerstone to addressing water quality issues. When individuals recognize that their actions impact water quality, remarkable changes will be made in the cumulative impact that individuals have on the quality of water in their communities. As the population grows, human impacts on water quality and quantity will increase. It will require every person's continued efforts to resolve issues and keep our waters safe. To view the interactive report or access it as a PDF, go here.

Alternatively, if you would like to have a USB flash drive packaged and an introductory booklet mailed to you, email jenna.olson@brazos.org.

By: Jenna Olson
Brazos River Authority
Environmental Programs Manager